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June is a BUSY BUSY month! We want to make sure these community members get the attention and audience they deserve so we are moving this event out to later in the year and anticipate it being in person instead. Stay tuned for details!

Beal Street Adolescent Group Home is a community-based, co-ed, 12-bed program that provides twenty-four hour, out of home treatment for adolescents ages 15-20. A program of Bay State Community Services, Beal Street coordinates and provides trauma informed, youth-guided, and caregiver driven services in a residential, home-like environment. Beal Street conducts a variety of fully integrated on-site and community-based services,including intensive family therapy, individual therapy, clinical case management, groups, and behavioral therapy. Youth are referred to this program by the Department of Children and Families and Department of Mental Health.

Join us via Zoom to meet Sara Annese, Director of Beal Street Group Home and Bryna Rogers, Director of Community Relations and Development at Bay State Community Services as they share more about Beal Street Adolescent Group Home and its youth.

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