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Please join the Hingham Unity Council in partnership with the Hingham High School Anti-Defamation League in a community read and virtual discussion of Beverly Daniel Tatum’s landmark book “Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race.” This book explores the development of racial identity and provides a starting point to demystify conversations about race, better understand the concept of racial identity, and communicate across racial and ethnic divides.  Please note the book, originally published in 1997, was re-released in a new edition in 2017. Copies are available at Buttonwood Books & Toys in Cohasset (call first, if our of stock can be available within 1-2 days).

We ask that you register in advance as we will break into smaller Zoom rooms for more effective conversations and we want to make sure we can provide adequate moderators for each small group.  This event is open to adults and interested high school age youth.


    About the book:

    Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see Black, White, and Latino youth clustered in their own groups. Is this self-segregation a problem to address or a coping strategy? Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, argues that straight talk about our racial identities is essential if we are serious about enabling communication across racial and ethnic divides. These topics have only become more urgent as the national conversation about race is increasingly acrimonious. This fully revised edition is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of race in America.

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