1801: James Tuttle marries Rebecca Humphrey in Hingham

James Tuttle married Rebecca Humphrey in Hingham. Tuttle (ca 1780-1847) was a pillar of the small neighborhood of Tuttleville, which existed at the intersection of High and Ward Streets. His son John Tuttle is credited with leading the effort to build a small church in Tuttleville in the 1870s. Watch Harbor Media's interviews with descendants of the Tuttles.

2021-02-26T08:08:24-05:00January 23rd, 2021|

1841: Frederick Douglass delivers one of his first recorded anti-slavery speeches in Hingham

Frederick Douglass gave one of his first recorded anti-slavery speeches in Hingham on November 4, 1841, before the Plymouth County Anti-Slavery Society. Titled “The Church and Prejudice,” it criticized ministers who used the Bible to defend slavery.

2021-02-26T08:10:34-05:00January 23rd, 2021|

1844: Hingham Anti-Slavery Society hosts the largest anti-slavery rally in the United States

The event was referred to as the “Great Abolitionist Pic Nic” and took place in Tranquility Grove (known today as Burns Memorial Park on Hersey Street). Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and other luminaries of the abolition movement traveled to Hingham, where an estimated 10,000 people had gathered in support of the anti-slavery cause.  Douglass gave an address at First Baptist Church before the attendees processed to Tranquility Grove for further speeches and entertainment. Watch Hingham High School graduate Emma Ryan's documentary video about Tranquility Grove

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2021-02-25T16:29:54-05:00January 23rd, 2021|

1863: Emancipation Proclamation allows for the raising of Black regiments in the Union Army

Massachusetts Governor (and Hingham resident) John Albion Andrew created the Massachusetts 54th Volunteer Infantry, the Union Army’s first fighting unit raised among free Black men. Several Black men from Hingham or with Hingham roots enlisted. Read more

2021-02-26T08:12:36-05:00January 23rd, 2021|

1873: A group of Tuttleville residents petitions the Town of Hingham for land to build an evangelical chapel

A group of Tuttleville residents, led by John Tuttle, a son of James and Rebecca Tuttle, petitioned the Town of Hingham for land to build an evangelical chapel at the corner of Ward and High Streets. The chapel, which also functioned as a community center, dance hall and school, was called the Free Christian Mission.  According to Hingham Historical Society records, official membership in 1890 was 80. Read more

2021-02-26T08:13:48-05:00January 23rd, 2021|
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