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#WeAreHingham: A Community Conversation

South Shore Conservatory - Jane Carr Amphitheatre 1 Conservatory Drive, Hingham

#WeAreHingham, the community based visual project, is the talk of the town, but we want make sure that all who live, work, study or worship in Hingham are part of the conversation! We will break into small, moderated groups for an open dialogue about our individual and collective experiences in and hopes for our town, sharing thoughts on topics such as why we chose to live here and our aspirations for this community. Registration required so we can properly plan for small group moderators. We are very excited to be offering light bites from Clandestine Kitchen and beer from Untold Brewing for purchase following the moderated discussion. These local businesses will be donating 25% of their proceeds from the event. We are very lucky to have Liora Norwich, Executive Director of the Network for Social Justice, planning and facilitating this event with us. For more information on the #WeAreHingham visual project and how to still participate by having your portrait included, please visit

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