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Let’s Talk Housing 4.0: NeighborWorks Housing Solutions

Virtual via Zoom

Come join NeighborWorks Housing Solutions CEO Rob Corley and staff to learn what resources are available in our region and a presentation on Supporting Neighborhood Opportunity in Massachusetts (SNOMass), a new program designed to provide families with the tools to provide their children to a path to greater opportunity.

Beal Street Community Beautification Project

Beal Street Residential Home

This community service project aims to beautify the home's outdoor space to create a more welcoming atmosphere for the youth residents to hang out in. We will be doing some light landscaping, including weeding, mulching some flower beds, planting flowers, and improving the backyard patio area.

Book Discussion: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett


Please join our next virtual gathering to discuss The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett (a #1 New York Times Bestseller and Good Morning America Book Club Pick). The novel follows twin sisters, inseparable as children, who ultimately choose to live in two very different worlds, one black and one white. How can fiction aid our understanding of race issues (past and present)? What can we learn about colorism from this book? What is the significance of the title?

Hispanic Heritage Celebration

Hingham Farmer's Market 95 Station Street, Hingham, MA

Come celebrate HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH featuring the Hingham Folkloric Dance Academny performing traditional Mexican folkloric dance at the Hingham Farmer's Market! Dancing, music and celebrating!

Let’s Talk Housing 5.0: Tiny Houses

Virtual via Zoom

Come learn more about "tiny houses," the fifth installment of the HUC's "Let's Talk Housing" series, with Hingham's Jennifer Cheu.

Race Talk 2:AAPI in Hingham


What is it like to be an Asian American Pacific Islander in Hingham? Join a live “Race Talk” on Zoom as we hear personal stories from four individuals about living in our community, followed by a Q&A period. All are welcome to listen, learn, and ask questions for the purpose of understanding and growth. Advanced registration is required. Register

Black History Month Story & Craft Time

Hingham Community Center 70 South Street, Hingham, MA, United States

We are excited to host a Story & Craft Time to celebrate Black History Month!

Let’s Talk – The LGBTQIA+ Experience: A Multigenerational Discussion

Virtual via Zoom

Hear from a panel comprised of members of the LGBQTIA+ community of different generations about their experiences living, working and studying here in Hingham. A moderated Q&A will follow. Brought to you in partnership with the Hingham Pride Project. Register

Candidates Forum

Live Stream on HUC's Facebook page or visit this page the night of the event

Ahead of the town election on Saturday, May 14, HUC and Hingham SEPAC will host an evening of Q&A with town government candidates focusing on issues of equity.

HUC Community Read & Virtual Discussion: Interior Chinatown

Virtual via Zoom

We will discuss New York Times bestseller and National Book Award winner Interior Chinatown, an exploration of the Asian American experience, assimilation, how pop culture portrays race, and the roles we are often forced to play in an original and witty police procedural screenplay-turned-novel format. Register

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